Sunday, 17 August 2014

Free --- or Punch ---?

The digital communisationists have entered the realism of eternal mobilisation. Beyond the cult of death is the abstract blocing up of the post-post-militant form. The irony of sub-leninist-marxists is that they have not attacked banks enough. To really attack banks you must go beyond breaking windows into 'what is the new windows?' Camp in the most absurd location, play the game beyond the game, subsume all error.

Get a cheap kill. One more stepping stone towards the top of the Communisation Leaderboards.

There is no game. There is no windows. There is no error.

There is only -.

The tactics are fine. You need to adapt.

What is the new paganism? they said. Ha, a shotgun, a flashlight, and an ---, I said. Here is how to unlock them -----...

We are not going to war 2.0. We have gone beyond experimentation with war. The map packs just aren't that good. My psychogeographic conversions of the digital pagans have reached an all-time low k/d ratio. We have already upgraded our windows. We have become the windows beyond windows. We no longer even need maps for eternal psychogeography. We have gone beyond experimentation with windows - we are the glass-cutters of total immobilisation. But don't call it OP. You need 15 kills for an EMP. We do it in zero. We have gone beyond experimentation with k/d r statpadding. We have gone beyond boosting communisation within the hacked lobbies of LibCom. You're just not that good, kid. Get good. Get ble-sed.

Just don't get -----.

We are the fibers returned beneath the kristallnacht beach: blessed cobbled cursed stones: abstract mobilisation v.9 ---. This is better than the pay-to-win guns. This is better than going beyond experimentation with hipster loadouts. Why I don't attack banks: we are now beyond experimentation beyond the bank beyond value in the fictitious glitch of Mt. Gox. Beyond Go-.

You will not go beyond our experimentation with communisation. What is the new attacking of banks? What is the new to become worthy of it? What is the new ---? What is the new...
There is no new. We have gone beyond experimentation with ---. We are the essential -.